About the Project
The Connecticut Department of Transportation Route 2 Project (SPN 0042-0317) consists of resurfacing, bridge, and safety improvements on State Route 2 from Hartford to Glastonbury, including the towns of East Hartford and Wethersfield. The project limits begin at Maple Street and extend west to the vicinity of Pitkin Street for a length of approximately 2.8 miles. Major construction begins in the summer of 2021. The anticipated completion date is August 2024.
The Project will include the following improvements within the Project Area:
- Roadway Rehabilitation and Resurfacing
- Median Reconstruction
- Wider Shoulders
- Drainage Modifications
- Guide Rail Upgrades
- Overhead Sign Support & Lighting Replacements
- Bridge Improvements:
- Bridge deck repairs
- Two (2) bridge deck replacements
- Concrete parapet upgrades
- Incident Management System (IMS) Upgrades Along Route 2 and Route 3
- Permanent Closure of Ramps at Exit 5B to Improve Safety & Traffic Operations.
- Acceleration and deceleration lanes will be Extended on Route 2 near the ramp closures.
- Main Street (at the Main Street off-ramp, Exit 5A) and Main Street at Maple Street/Broad street intersections will be improved.

Construction Stages
To minimize traffic pattern shifts, disruption of traffic, and disturbed areas during construction, the work is scheduled to be performed in the following stages:
The checkmark (✔) symbol indicates completion.
The clock (?) symbol indicates In-Progress.
- Construct Waste Stockpile Area (WSA) ✔
- Implement Smart Work Zone ✔
- Invasive Species Removal ?
- Local Road Improvements (Main, Broad, and Maple Street Intersections). ?
- Drainage Improvements ✔
- Goodwin University Access Road ✔
- CT River Outlets ✔
- Close 5B Westbound On-Ramp & 5B Eastbound Off-Ramp (Sutton Avenue) ✔
- Gore Reconstruction ?
- Embankment Expansions ✔
- Pipe Jacking ✔
- Outside Shoulder Reconstruction ?
- Overhead Sign Support Foundations ?
- Median Reconstruction and Partial Deck Replacement Construct ?
- Bridge Deck and Median Barriers ?
- Concrete Repair And Partial Deck Replacement ?
- Concrete Pavement Repairs ?
- Mill and Pave Mainline ?
- Sutton and Willow Street Deck Replacement ?
- Final Operations and Finalize Deck Replacement
General Lane Closure Information
The contractor may interrupt traffic at the following locations and during the times listed below:
Location | Monday–Friday | Saturday–Sunday |
Route 2 Eastbound 2 Lane Section (I-84 EB On-Ramp to I-84 WB On-Ramp) | 9:00am–2:00pm 6:00pm–6:00am | 9:00pm–9:00am |
Route 2 Eastbound 3 Lane Section (I-84 WB On-Ramp to Lane Drop east of Charter Oak Bridge) | All hours except 2:00pm–6:00pm | 9:00pm–9:00am 6:00pm–Noon |
Route 2 Eastbound 2 Lane Section (Lane Drop east of Charter Oak Bridge to Exit 7 Off-Ramp) | 8:00pm–6:00am | 9:00pm–8:00am |
Route 2 Westbound 3 Lane Section (I-84 On-Ramps to Willow St. On-Ramp) | 6:00pm–6:00am 9:00am–3:00pm | 6:00pm–11:00am |
Route 2 Westbound 2 Lane Section (Willow St. On-Ramp to Exit 7, Route 17, On-Ramp) | 8:00pm–6:00am 9:00pm–8:00am | 9:00pm–8:00am |
Location | Monday-Friday | Saturday-Sunday |
Route 3 Southbound 2 Lanes | 6:00pm–7:00am 9:00am–3:00pm | 7:00pm–7:00am |
Route 3 Northbound 2 Lanes | 7:00pm–11:00am 1:00pm–3:00pm | 8:00pm–9:00am |